Domestic workers with rights

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Campaign carried out together with Oxfam Intermon to support the group of domestic and care workers in their fight for equal labor rights.

Carried out by our colleague Helena Sánchez and Estudio-H.
Some of the demands of this sector are: 1. Right to unemployment for the more than 600,000 workers who are dedicated to care in Spain 2. Regularization of contracts: 1 in 3 workers (34%) do not have a written contract or registration in Social Security 3. Pensions worthy of retirement 4. Living wage that should not be less than the minimum interprofessional salary: 1 in 3 domestic workers lives below the poverty line 5. 8-hour workday: Home employment is the only labor sector that admits 12-hour days 6. Disappearance of dismissals without just cause 7. End the immigration law that plunges female workers into a legal limbo and hinders their access to labor rights and decent working conditions 8. Public policies that guarantee care: there are 250,000 people in a situation of dependency who do not receive any benefit or service from the dependency care system 9. Co-responsibility in the distribution of c Care: 95% of paid domestic care work is performed by women 10. Ratification of ILO Convention 189 with its measures Campaign carried out in collaboration with the organizations: Domestic Territory, Care Path, Malen Etxea, Jeaneth Beltrán Observatory
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