This guide is part of the project We are more against hate and discrimination, to educate against hate speech, especially in adolescence. It is an initiative of YouTube, Government of Spain, Alliance of Women Against Radicalism and Extremism, UGT-FeSP, Aula Intercultural y Jóvenes para el Desarrollo. It is a fundamental project to learn to live with teenagers from 12 to 18 years old and educate them in a safe and positive use of the internet and information and communication technologies. Lola told us while she was carrying them out: "This guide is aimed at families and teachers. It focuses on providing resources to educate in the safe use of the internet and ICTs. To educate and educate ourselves, adults also have a lot to do. learn and question ourselves about our use of screens. ". This guide, along with the others that are part of the project, will be distributed in the network of public schools in the State and in training courses of the program, but it is available for free download in pdf. Download it here → This material is the property of #Somos más, and is available on its website. Its reproduction is authorized as long as the gratuitousness of its distribution is guaranteed, as well as the express reference of #Somos más.