As public services, responding to sexist violence is our responsibility.
Campaign carried out for FeSP-UGT on the occasion of November 25, International Day for the elimination of violence against women.
What hides the denial of gender violence
Gender violence, from the point of view of the construction of women's identity, is understood as a contempt or denial of recognition. So the violence of contempt leads to lack of recognition. It is under these circumstances that individual gender violence occurs, which directly attacks the women who suffer it, giving rise to a negative perception of their identity and their situation, circumstances that are aggravated by the absence of a proportional response on the part of society in the face of the aggression and injustice they are suffering. The reason why society does not face gender violence is in the intention of detaching itself from the social reality of inequality and violence. It is better to justify or contextualize individual cases than to recognize that thousands of women die every day around the world. Confronting gender violence is confronting a patriarchal culture that has been perpetuated over the centuries, discriminating against women. Gender violence relies on the normality imposed by an androcentric culture to justify it and retain it at home, as if it were just another circumstance of life as a couple. No other violence leads its victims to say of the aggressor "he hits me normally", or to justify it by commenting that "I have given him reason to attack me". No other violence has a percentage of the population saying "it is acceptable in some circumstances." Nor does any other violence find a justification in alcohol, drugs, mental disorders, mental illnesses or emotions to explain even homicides. And in no other violence do the aggressors and murderers have the protection of the passivity of the murdered woman's own family, when they say that "we knew he was mistreating her, but we never thought he was going to kill her." Given these circumstances, it is not surprising that every year almost 600,000 cases of battered women occur in Spain and that only 22% are reported, nor is it strange that among the murdered women, only about 20% have reported the violence they had suffered. , and that he has led them to their deaths through that homicide. It is true that society is more critical and that certain expressions or attitudes are already identified as sexist, but every day post machismo uses arguments to reinforce its positions and as long as these lies are not raised and dismantled, inequality will continue to exist and violence will continue to claim victims. These days, more than ever, we must have the alarms set to dismantle the neo-macho discourses that want inequality to be legitimate. The denial of gender violence hides a deadly trap. Luz Martinez Ten, Sª for Women and Social Policies of FeSPUGT
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